Mundane details of someone elses life, who cares? As much as it will flatter me to hear responses telling me on how amazing my day to day life or thoughts are, I don't think an ego boost would do well with me. I'd get bigheaded and frankly I'm one of those unlucky people who get literally bigheaded. (Not from compliments or feedback but from fluctating weight, if I put on a pound my face will look like a overblown helium balloon.) Nice imagery, eh? My English teacher would be proud, of that I am sure.
I created this blog for the sole purpose of....well at the time I just thought it sounded cool but now I'm sure it'll help me keep on top of all my writing projects. A dear friend began his own blog "The Sword of Kirakath" and I got inspired and followed suit. Well, this is where I leave you all for now. I need to go and mess around with all the possible profile options on this blogger.
Ta da!